Advance president Gary Cravens was interviewed by Fastener Engineering about how Advance prepared and is coping while being an essential business. You can listen to his interview here. Our Risk Management Program is in full swing, as we continue to work throughout these challenging times.
Advance CFO Peter Baldwin helped lead a webinar on May 5th sponsored by Industrial Supply Magazine entitled: “Surviving the COVID-19 Cash Crunch.” The program will included how to:
- Better manage your stakeholders (owners, vendors, customers, etc.) through a potential recession
- Take smart, strategic actions to combat declining revenue and protect your business
- Model multiple scenarios and formulate gameplans for any outcome
- Transform cash-flow risks into profits
We are busy working and keeping up our commitment to our customers and suppliers. Click here to read how we are working for your success, and our staff’s safety. Advance is stocked and ready.